The Tambourine Path in Celebration!
Recording of the 2.19.22 Tambourine Workshop on zoom.
A beginner friendly, Layne Redmond style tambourine workshop, everyone welcome.
With Barbara Gail & Jeff Hanna, The Rhythm Inlet Dynamic Duo!
I absorbed all your shared knowledge like a sponge. It was particularly amazing to discover what stepping / pulsing while playing can do to your body and soul. I never felt so connected with the universe. Many thanks to the two of you! ~ Marjolein, Netherlands
I’m so grateful for you Barbara! Just completed the workshop! Love it! I need to be mindful of the feet. Otherwise the song is great practice! ~ Joey, Singapore
If you’re new to this drum, then first I recommend The Tambourine Path video series. It’s 90 minutes of my free, basic & thorough tambourine instruction!
After you’ve completed those FREE videos, then I’d love for you to purchase this video workshop!
On February 19, 2022, I led a tambourine workshop, assisted by Jeff Hanna, my husband & partner in life, work, & everything under The Rhythm Inlet sun! ☀️
This replay of the workshop is suitable for beginners & beyond beginners, & is available for sliding scale $20-$50. (Consult with your heart, your soul, your wallet, & consider the value of this program. 💚)
In this 1-hour, 45 minute Workshop, you’ll:
❦ Learn or refresh the tambourine’s strokes, relating them to the elements…
Beginner Djembe Hand-drumming: Learn to Play the W. African Drum
Learn to play the most popular hand-drum! Barbara Gail is a teacher’s teacher, instructing djembe students ages pre-teens to eighty-somethings, since 1996. With a focus on hand technique & teaching rhythm patterns sequentially, she masterfully helps you find your place in the beat & play as a multi-rhythmic ensemble.
Perfect for raw beginners, drum circle enthusiasts, & folks with some exposure to drumming who seek rhythmic music instruction with a solid foundation. For men, women, motivated teens, & youth. No musical experience needed, a positive…
Women’s Tambourine Workshop, in The Layne Redmond Tradition
I just signed up for the replay! I just discovered this style of tambourine playing and worked thru your Tambourine Path YouTube videos; you are a great teacher and I’m looking forward to a deeper dive into combining movement and playing! – Cynthia, TX, online workshop 2022
The tambourine is much more than what we see & hear in popular music, which simply hits it to make the cymbals ring. But this jingled frame drum is actually a powerful, trance-inducing instrument, steeped in a rich, spiritual women’s hertory for use in ceremonial procession, & unifying the community in celebration. From cool jingle rolls to mesmerizing rhythms, there’s so much sound from one small drum!
A contemporary twist on an ancient women’s tradition, this beginner drum class focuses on basic hand techniques & rhythm patterns of the tambourine. It can also be
Women’s Frame Drum Workshop in The Layne Redmond Tradition
I learned so much from you & can’t thank you enough for activating my DNA & reminding me of the deep importance of being united in sisterhood & ceremony. The enjoyment of music & Rhythm has been reborn within me. ~ Kylee, Southern Sierra Goddess Gathering 2019
The simple frame drum is the most universal drum in the world. It’s also a powerful, trance-inducing instrument steeped in a rich, spiritual women’s herstory that was used in ceremonial procession & community-unifying celebration throughout the Ancient Mediterranean World.
A beginner drum workshop to learn the basic strokes of the frame drum, rhythm patterns, & some of its ancient herstory.
Can be enhanced with contemporary ritual infused with sacred feminine space,
SpiralSong: Sing yourself into YES!
A radical re-start button, where the power of positive affirmation meets rhythmic chant. SpiralSong utilizes the concepts of supportive self-talk, joyful communal singing, compassionate sisterhood, repetitive mantra, & pranayama (breath), literally giving voice to our heart’s true inner wisdom of love & light. Awaken into a calm yet energized space of empowered positivity in mind, body, & spirit.
Why sing? The drum is the most primal, the dance is the most intimate, & the voice is the most personal. When we’re singing, so much is happening…
Dance Your Soul Free
move the body
still the mind
heal the heart
rock the spirit
stir the soul
root in the drumbeat
open emotions
shift patterns
dive into oceans
fly on the wind…